Create your personal Save Spot for your finances. Break down your account into smaller Slices and get an overview about your goals and budget. Track and plan your expenses, identify habits and start saving.
Made for Budgeting
Track your Finances
Your financial overview inside your pocket. Add expenses easily and fast wherever you are. Whether you’re saving for a big goal or managing day-to-day expenses, our app simplifies the process. Organize your spending by category and watch your progress with intuitive charts
Get monthly Insights
Get an overview of your expenses, identify habits, and uncover opportunities to save money. Our app helps you analyze where your money goes each month, so you can make smarter financial decisions. Spot spending patterns, track progress toward your goals, and discover areas where small changes can lead to big savings.
Plan your Transactions
Plan recurring transactions and always know what’s coming up next. Stay ahead of your bills, subscriptions, and other regular expenses with ease.
Create your own Categories
Are the default categories not enough? Create your own categories and subcategories tailored to your unique spending habits. Personalize your financial tracking by organizing expenses in a way that makes sense for you. Whether it’s separating work-related costs from personal ones or tracking specific hobbies, our app lets you customize your budget to fit your lifestyle.
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Got an amazing idea for a new feature? We would love to hear from you, Send us your idea to
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